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Environmental  Policy 

Luxury Garden Buildings UK Limited

This policy applies to all activities undertaken by Luxury Garden Buildings UK Limited and impacts upon key suppliers and customers.

We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our operations. In particular, we will achieve this through our commitment to:

  • comply with all relevant legislation and regulations;

  • regularly review the environmental impact of our activities, endeavour to reduce our overall environmental impact and prevent waste using best practice techniques;

  • involve employees in our environmental programme and provide necessary training to enable them to discharge their responsibilities;

  • sustain a programme of continual improvement in environmental performance incorporating suitable measurement and monitoring mechanisms;

  • work with key suppliers to encourage them to develop environmental best practice; and

  • improve resource efficiency (including our use of water, energy and raw materials).


Luxury Garden Buildings UK Limited Environmental policy

Luxury Garden Buildings UK Limited recognises the importance of environmental protection and will comply with all environmental legislation, regulations and appropriate codes of practice relating to the processes and activities of the company. It is the company’s objective to co-operate and maintain good relations with all regulatory authorities.

It is the declared policy of Alba Manufacturing Limited to carry out all reasonably practicable measures to continually improve its environmental performance. Wherever possible, the company aims to:

  • assess the  environmental impacts of the company’s activities during the manufacture of its products, namely A, B and C;

  • reduce the amount of waste produced;

  • reduce the consumption of raw materials, water and fuels.

  • reduce and/or limit the discharge of pollutants to water,land and air.

  • use recyclable and renewable materials in place of virgin products where possible;

  • limit the noise in and around the site

  • lessen the risk to employees and members of the public from processes and activities associated with the company.

    The company will foster environmental awareness and understanding in all employees, suppliers, customers, subcontractors and other stakeholders. Where practicable, the company will provide information and assistance to customers on environmental issues arising from its products and services.

    It is the policy of Luxury Garden Buildings UK Limited Limited to report publicly on its environmental objectives and performances at regular intervals.



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